Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Yoga and Chocolate Milk

      So today was day 2 of my Yoga Challenge and its was all about the core...let's just say I discovered ab muscles that I didn't know I had. Truth is as a big girl I cheated a bit in some of the sequences (I mean I can't be the only person who can't lift herself up just using her arms right? right?!?!). But as I filed in for my daily dose of hell, I mean work, I felt a little more energized!
      I also started to change my eating habits. I was truly inspired by the documentary Hungry for Change and I've started to change my eating habits. I don't eat a lot of meat to begin with (working at a steak house will do that to a girl) but now I get most of my protein from plants, I've greatly reduced my intake of dairy and tried to reduce how much sugar I eat. Sugar is definitely the hardest for me but I'm trying to find that balance of healthy with a dash of sweets.
      But, alas, I have a mayor weakness....Chocolate Milk!! I cant live without the stuff!, so I compromised. I had a carton of almond milk lying around (from an experiment to eat cereal with almond milk, epic fail! I'm still trying to find a good substitute) and I mixed it with a little bit of agave and 2 tbsp of cocoa powder (the unsweetened kind) and it was amazing!! Delicious without all that guilty feeling, and you cant even taste the almonds. This is my go-to sweet drink from now on...and I think I'm gonna go make some right now, so good luck guys, tell me if you tried it and loved it, or not so much!

Yoga Journal's Daily Challenge, Day 1

      Hey guys! Well as part of my challenge with myself to improve my health I joined Yoga Journal's 21 Day Challenge . Its easy and free! You just go to their web site and sign up and they email you daily videos. Well I've never been any good at maintaining exercise regimes, if they last at least a week it's a miracle. So I'm hoping I can keep this up for 21 days strait. This first challenge was awesome. It was cardio yoga and by the end I was sweating up a storm! I didn't even know yoga could do that. It also really helped with my back, since I work about 7 hours standing up at a restaurant my back really hurts sometimes, and by the end of this it felt amazing. So any of you have any tips or tricks on maintaining exercise regimes? Have a nice day guys!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hello World!

     This is my first time in the blogging world so I'm a little nervous. Im looking at this as a great way to document the going on's of my life. So I'll tell you a little bit about me. Im a culinary student/ wishful fashionista/cat lover who loves sweets. But due to a growing concern of me and my sweeties health I'm trying to make healthier sweets. I aspire to have my own line of amazing sweets that are awesomely good for you. Im also new to the yoga world and I am trying!! to do yoga once a day (Yoga Journals 21-Day challenge is currently helping me with that). I love the color mint, bridal magazines (and Im not even engaged!, but there are just so many pretty cakes there, it's my guilty pleasure), long skirts and my cats. My boyfriend aint that bad either! So I hope that you stick around for the ride and nice meeting you. See you soon!.